The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage (2007) designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of the seasons. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic and extend the learning at home, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together.
This bumper edition contains all the material contained in Planning for Learning Through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter in one value book. Ideal for helping young children to explore the seasons, whatever the time of year, with this step-by-step guide to planning fun activities that cover a wide range of Early Learning Goals. This title comes with advice on observing and assessing children's learning, as well as how to record evidence of learning.A must-have for any early years setting wanting easy to dip into planning all year round.