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Promoting Fundamental British Values in the Early Years

Key selling points

The ‘fundamental British Values’ as defined by the Department for Education

- Overview of legislation and policy documents

- Ways to promote British Values in early years settings

- How to meet the expectations of the new Common Inspection Framework.


Promoting fundamental British Values in the Early Years is designed to support early years professionals, leaders and managers understand their responsibilities in relation to fulfilling the Prevent duty and the requirement to teach British values in foundation stage settings under the new Common Inspection Framework.

It provides an explanation of the Prevent aspect of the Government’s counterterrorism strategy and the implications this has for safeguarding, child protection and curriculum delivery in the early years. It takes a more in-depth look at what the Government means by ‘fundamental British values’: Democracy, Rule of law, Individual liberty and Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs, and looks at how these are already implicitly embedded within the EYFS.

The book clearly explains what is required by Ofsted under the new Common Inspection Framework, showing how providers can produce evidence that they are meeting the Prevent duty as well as actively supporting British values in their provision.

It also includes activity ideas, resources and case studies to exemplify how to support British Values in everyday practice.

About the author

Marianne Sargent is an early education specialist and writer. She holds an MA in Early Years Education and has worked as a lecturer in primary and early years education. Marianne is a well published author of books for early years professionals and regular contributor to Nursery World and Early Years Educator magazines. Marianne lives in Chinley, Derbyshire.

ISBN: 9781909280953