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Inclusion and Diversity in The Early Years: A Practical Resource to Support Inclusive Practice in Early Years Settings

Inclusion and Diversity in the Early Years informs early years settings on best practice and key research findings on creating an inclusive setting, and covers all aspects of equality and diversity. Practical advice, ideas and resources are backed up by theory and legislation and links to further reading and research opportunities are included. This title contains feedback from practitioners in different settings on how to develop, implement and maintain inclusive practice and it provides essential support to practitioners in their efforts to provide a rich cultural experience for children, regardless of their backgrounds and beliefs.

Includes chapters on:

  • What inclusion and diversity means

  • Legislation and policy

  • Working with parents and carers

  • Planning and resourcing

  • Leadership and reflective practice

  • Resources, support and further information.

About the authors

Dr Elaine Wilmot holds a Doctorate in Professional Studies and a Masters in Education. She has worked in a variety of educational settings, both as a practitioner and lecturer, and now works as an Early Years consultant. Anne Rodgers has a Masters in Early Childhood Education and has worked as a lecturer, trainer, mentor and nursery manager.

ISBN: 9781907241215